Previous weight: 235
Current weight: 225
Alloted calories/week: 20,657
Target calories/week: 16,527
*Actual calories/week: 14,034
Alotted/Target difference: 6,623/2,493
Ok, so I lost all that Thanksgiving weight I put on and I'm back to where I started.
This past week felt pretty good. I decided to buy the expensive fruit and it tastes so much better. Now I'm gonna try buying the expensive veggies to see the difference. I think I did real well in not eating that much junk food this past week. I ate plenty(for my standards) of fruits and veggies. I didn't feel too hungry either. I think I can keep this up. =)
Before I'd just buy the fruits that cost the cheapest cuz it's what I budgeted myself to. I put a limit on how much I can spend every week. Now I'm not buying so much junk food and using that extra funds to buy more expensive fruits. You really do get what you pay for.
I was able to stay away from white rice and white bread for the most part. I had some white rice on Saturday but it was mixed with brown rice. I didn't do too well in staying away from fried chicken though. It's my weakness. The smell is just so damn good. But at least I ate mostly white meat. But I did eat the skin. White meat, no skin....remember that!
False Parasol Spore Print
[image: False parasol spore print]
False parasol spore print
Chlorophyllum molybdites produces a spore print that is obviously green in
color, a rare fea...
7 months ago
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