Monday, December 1, 2008

Week 20 Analysis/Recap

Previous weight: 225
Current weight: 235

Alloted calories/week: 20,657
Target calories/week: 16,527
*Actual calories/week: 28,583
Alotted/Target difference: -7,926/12,056

I gained 10 lbs. this week. I was expecting that so it's no surprise. I just gotta do good from here until X-mas cuz I know I'll gain another 10 lbs then.

I got called out again, which I'm not bitter about. It's helping me "try" to stay on track. So now I'm making a list of things to stay away from and things to eat more of. Thanks to those calling me out. I ain't gonna get mad at you for saying the things you do. I know you're just trying to help. Just know that I can't change my habits at the drop of a dime. It's gonna take me some time to adjust.

-anything white (white rice, white bread, etc.)
-anything fried (fried chicken is my weakness)
-fast food
-red meat (i'll let myself have some on the weekends)
-chips/junk food

-fruits (preferably fresh, but I have a stash of fruit cups)
-water ( I cramp up easily which could be due to being dehydrated)
-white meat (chicken, fish, etc.)

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