Sunday, October 12, 2008

Week 13 Analysis/Recap

Previous weight: 229
Current weight: 225

Alloted calories/week: 20,657
Target calories/week: 16,527
*Actual calories/week: 18,502
Alotted/Target difference: 2,155/+1,975

I'm starting to eat alot more veggies and fruits. And I've been trying to stay away from red meat during the weekdays. I know I need to lay off the fried chicken. Everyone keeps drilling me about it. Hahahahaha. I eat it pretty much every other day. Imma eat grilled chicken instead. And the rice.....I eat whole plate of rice. What can I say? It's delicious. I'm looking into healthier options such as brown rice. I need to get away from my family cuz it's hard to be strong when they're eating really good smelling food and I'm there eating some veggies. I give in really easily. I'm working on my mental strength, will-power.

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